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The new age of D

Writer's picture: The Harbus News StaffThe Harbus News Staff

First of all, several D's have returned with new looks for the new millennium. Erica Kashambuzi and Kate Protextor are ready to tackle those interviews with sleek new haircuts that present an air of sophistication. Mira Huussen can always be counted on to show us what's trend-D. She personifies fashion once more with a chic cut for the winter season. And then we have the two Jacqueses. Finally, we get to see the face of the newly clean-shaven Jacques Benain. Jacques Stambouli has also opted for less hair with a closer to the head cut. So it's not just the ladies of D that have tried out the New Year with new styles. Of course, the three Josh's look the same.

Even bigger changes are in the new additions to this section we call a family. A true family it is, and it keeps growing! We can probably make a safe bet that no other section has had more engagements, marriages, births and pregnancies than this one! There must have been some foreshadowing when we decided to call ourselves a House. Mickey Konson set off the trend with the birth of little Chloe Konson, who has just celebrated her three-month birthday. Keeping track of her age is easy, since she entered the world. at HBS at roughly the same time that we did. Fernando Siqueira became a proud Dad over Winter Break as his wife Anna gave birth to adorable Luiza. Now, Chloe will have a playmate, and possibly a CEO when she takes over a company thanks to her early connections at HBS. Not one to be left out, Michael Lee will join the ranks of Dads just in time for our second year! Greg Tobias and Orri Hauksson already started the Section D father's club before they entered this House. Now that Miguel Pita officially got married over Winter Break, we know the club will have more members soon enough. When we say this was truly official this time, we mean it-this time his wife was actually by his side! He even brought her back with him! Andrew Taylor has certainly taken a hint from Miguel's experience, for he too recently announced his engagement to girlfriend Laxmi Kondapalli! That counts six for the current and future Fathers of D club!

But even with all these new developments, there are some things that never change. Section ties remain as strong as ever. No sooner did we get back did we leave again, but together this time, for a section ski trip over MLK Day weekend! Over 40 people gathered on the slopes of Sunday River, including partners, thanks to the efforts of Greg Tobias, who arranged the whole event. How do D's play in the snow? Well, Austrian Matthias and ski-fanatic Cyrus Hadidi could be found zooming down the slopes. However, it was Greg Tobias, aka Speed Demon, that demonstrated the true need for speed and a mastery over the slopes. When he was out, people simply watched in awe from the ski lift. This section is not just limited to skiing experts, however. Mike Ward has also earned a reputation as the Green Machine on the snowboard! Don't ask me to try and explain that. Proving that you don't have to be a former downhill racer like Greg to enjoy the sport, Bob Trinh, Claudia Sender and Aparna Piramal sampled those slopes for the first time! Three cheers for a courageous effort-especially after Budweiser did an aerial show and Brian Davis took some double black spills! Those who preferred the warmth indoors could gather with the section Saturday night for pizza by the hot tub (always a winning combination) and distinctive section entertainment with the "Wassup" contest. Sometimes, there's nothing like some good, old-fashioned section bonding.

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