Wow, that’s quite sizeable. Tell us what got you interested in creating this service? I was enjoying some of that special Spangler salad for lunch with a few single section mates, and naturally, as with many HBS conversations, we started talking about dating. I mentioned the fact that building an HBS-specific app shouldn’t take that long. From that moment forward, 99% of their communication with me was trying to convince me to build it. For example, “Sc**w your cases, I’ll summarize those for ya!”, “The people need it, they demand it!” or “You can’t hang out with us until you build it”. Obsessive about my social standing, I couldn’t refuse. But before writing any line of code, I approached a few extreme users, who I shall not name here. They thought DatingHub would be “Yuuugeee” (Asaf indicates this is an exact quote) and that was the final validation I needed. I looked to Silicon Valley and used every startup principle, such as – calling ourselves a platform, implying use of Artificial Intelligence, running it in the cloud and even as far as eating Ramen for lunch and dinner. If my TEM professor is reading this, I want to let him know that I am open to renegotiating my grade. We learned in TEM that the best founders are ‘authentic founders’ who experience the pain point personally and set out to solve it. Are you an ‘authentic founder’? I am dating someone outside of HBS. But I feel this is a phenomenon that I expect will disappear among HBSers in the coming years, thanks to DatingHub.
Wow, that’s quite sizeable. Tell us what got you interested in creating this service? I was enjoying some of that special Spangler salad for lunch with a few single section mates, and naturally, as with many HBS conversations, we started talking about dating. I mentioned the fact that building an HBS-specific app shouldn’t take that long. From that moment forward, 99% of their communication with me was trying to convince me to build it. For example, “Sc**w your cases, I’ll summarize those for ya!”, “The people need it, they demand it!” or “You can’t hang out with us until you build it”. Obsessive about my social standing, I couldn’t refuse. But before writing any line of code, I approached a few extreme users, who I shall not name here. They thought DatingHub would be “Yuuugeee” (Asaf indicates this is an exact quote) and that was the final validation I needed. I looked to Silicon Valley and used every startup principle, such as – calling ourselves a platform, implying use of Artificial Intelligence, running it in the cloud and even as far as eating Ramen for lunch and dinner. If my TEM professor is reading this, I want to let him know that I am open to renegotiating my grade. We learned in TEM that the best founders are ‘authentic founders’ who experience the pain point personally and set out to solve it. Are you an ‘authentic founder’? I am dating someone outside of HBS. But I feel this is a phenomenon that I expect will disappear among HBSers in the coming years, thanks to DatingHub.
Established in 1937, The Harbus News Corporation is the independent student news publisher of Harvard Business School.