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Writer's pictureEdgard Mejico Salinas

An Ode to HBS Friendships

Updated: Apr 28

Edgard Mejico (MBA ’24) reminisces about the past two years and the friends made along the way.

As an international student, moving for the first time to a different country for a prolonged period of time, the power of friendship has been a key pillar of the HBS experience. After two years, preparing to move out of Boston, and writing my last Harbus piece, I wanted to dedicate a few lines to the people who have made this experience better.

There are the first friends I made, before the start of classes. We shared the excitement of ASW, met at a random virtual chat or at the bathroom line in Croatia. Over the past two years, even if we haven’t spent much time hanging out, I wanted to share the happiness and pride that has come from seeing these friends achieve their goals or move into new exciting chapters of their lives. Thank you for your openness to making new friends!

To my section friends, what else can I say? I think we made the most of our HBS experience. You got to see me at highs and lows, fully prepared for class or just scrambling for a cold call. You opened your homes to me and visited mine all the way in Peru, and in between we explored together Florida, Mexico, Puerto Rico and the amazing Camp Get Away (shout out to my metal rock fans). It fills me with happiness seeing the G family grow with new babies and engagements, and I can’t wait to see what the future will bring to all of you.

Outside section, a big shout out to the “perennial” friends. We met at the beginning of school and, even though we were in different sections, we managed to build strong friendships and great memories. From dog walks (shout out to Kipper) and breakfasts (because we couldn’t make our schedules work) to post-FIELD trips, monthly boat reunions, and summer dinners in NYC, thank you for making time in your busy agendas for me.

There are some friends I no longer see as much as I once did. Schedules are tough and life takes people on different paths. Still, the happiness found in the memories we built together is not lost on me, and I will cherish them always.

There’s also a kind of friend that people don’t warn you about: the EC friend. Out of the section bubble, you see new people in every class and wonder, should I chat to this person? A negotiation partner turned trek roommate, RC friends embarking on their own HBS journeys, the friend you get seated next to for a five hour flight, or the people who you briefly met in first year that you end up inviting to visit you in Peru because why not? EC friends are cool. I’m sorry we ran out of time at HBS, but we made the most out of it and will continue to do so).

To my brothers,  thank you. I couldn’t have made it without you. You handled my 2:00am conversations, cooked me amazing meals, invited me to your hometowns, managed health care scares (with tough hospital couches), and listened to my advice (grudgingly). You guys have met my family, and in the process became part of it. I jokingly have told you I do friendship the Peruvian way, and you guys signed up for the ride. And what a ride it has been. 

And finally, to my best friend. The one I’ve known for 15 years, and who I’ve had the honor to see grow into the boss she is now. Thank you for allowing me to share this journey with you. Luck (and Universidad del Pacífico) helped us get here together. Now that we are planning our future, I’m happy I will share it with you. I love you. 

With Love,


p.s. Come visit NY!

Edgard Mejico (MBA ’24) is originally from Lima, Peru. He graduated from Universidad del Pacifico, Peru with a degree in Business Engineering in 2016. Prior to the HBS MBA, he worked for six years in Brand Management and Sales in Colgate-Palmolive Latin America.

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