Expressing gratitude through words
Growing up, my mom’s favorite story to tell adults who just met me, was that I read the first Harry Potter book at age five. She was so proud of her little precocious reader, until the reader turned against his creator and spent his summers submerged in books in his room. So my mom started taking the books every morning and hiding them in her dressing room. Little did she know that 8-year-old me would find a way to open the locked door, get the books for the day, and take them back before she arrived like nothing had happened.
For the next 20 years, my life and my family’s took twists and turns, but books (and sometimes e-books) were always present. It was not until sitting down and writing my HBS essay that I realized the influence writers have had on my way of thinking and how I see the world, on incentivizing my creativity and landing my dreams. So after noticing the Slack message looking for new Harbus contributors, I didn’t think twice about applying. Little did I know I would be writing these words today.
I tried to write about people’s stories. We come from such diverse backgrounds, why not share it? To the first people (William, Josefina, Tanay, Sadok and Konstantin) who took the chance to tell their stories to this upcoming and struggling writer (how I pictured myself walking across campus with my recordings and notes), a big thank you. To the editors who took a chance joining our team earlier this year, thanks for trusting us. To the new editors for this past fall, thanks for being inspiring and creative. And to Rory, the Boss, thank you for inspiring me and the team, and being a great leader, always trying to make things better and in the process, leaving an outstanding legacy at the Harbus. To Tim and Edouard, we know you’ll continue making the Harbus a central piece of the HBS community.
Thank you to all the readers who tune in to these pages to find great stories. Have a great end of the year and see you in 2024!

Edgard Mejico (MBA ’24) is originally from Lima, Peru. He graduated from Universidad del Pacifico, Peru with a degree in Business Engineering in 2016. Prior to the HBS MBA, he worked for six years in Brand Management and Sales in Colgate-Palmolive Latin America.